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Welcome to DeepPhysix, A Research Lab Focused on Lightweight Machine Learning

Our Focus

Lightweight Machine Learning Development

DeepPhysix is a research lab focused on the development of lightweight machine learning models to deploy on microprocessors and embedded devices at scale. We specialize in the research and development of deep learning models that can be run on devices with limited resources.

Fundamental Physics Research

As a research consortium, we are also interested in fundamental physics research. We explore the mysteries of the universe and study the fundamental laws of nature.

Ethics within Science and Technology

We recognize the importance of ethics within science and technology, and we make it a priority to consider the ethical implications of our work. We aim to contribute to an ethos in tech and science that considers moral and ethical questions in all steps of their work.

Collaboration Opportunities

We are always looking for collaboration opportunities. If you are interested in working with us, please reach out to us using the contact information on our website.

Join Our Community

We welcome anyone who is interested in lightweight machine learning, fundamental physics, and ethics within science and technology to join our community. We provide resources and opportunities for learning and collaboration.

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